Since 2021
Teacher and researcher at the Faculty of Information Technology (Czech Technical University in Prague).
Postdoc position at the Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering (FNSPE) and teacher at the same and the Faculty of Information Technology (Czech Tecnhnical University in Prague).
ATER position at the Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale (Université Paris Diderot).
Postdoc position at the Laboratoire de combinatoire et d'informatique mathématique (Université du Québec à Montréal) with supervisors Srečko Brlek and Christophe Reutenauer.
Lecturer at McGill University and UQAM.
PhD degree in Computer Science at the Université Paris-Est (France) with thesis "Codes bifixes, combinatoire des mots et systèmes dynamiques symboliques" (Bifix codes, Combinatorics on Words and Symbolic Dynamical Systems) with supervisor Dominique Perrin.
April 2016
Visiting student at the Laboratoire de combinatorie et d'informatique mathématique of the Université du Québec a Montréal (Quebec, Canada).
Lecturer position at Université Paris-Est and École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Paris-Est (France).
"International Master in Mathematics and Computer Science - the Bezout Excellence Track" Master Degree at the Université Paris-Est with internship supervisor Dominique Perrin, mention très bien.
CRUI-MAE Internship (Conference of Italian University Rectors - Ministry of Foreign Affairs) at the Italian Cultural Institute of Athens (Greece).
Winner of "E. Gugino" prize for the best thesis in mathematics of the Università degli Studi di Palermo.
Master degree in Mathematics (Diploma di laurea specialistica in matematica) at the Università degli Studi di Palermo, degree thesis "Codici bifissi ed insiemi Sturmiani" (Bifix codes and Sturmian sets) with supervisor Antonio Restivo, mark 110/110 cum laude and menzione.
Degree in Mathematics (Diploma di laurea triennale in matematica) at the Università degli Studi di Palermo, degree thesis "Cenni sulla teoria dei nodi" (Introduction to knot theory) with supervisor Claudio G. Bartolone, mark 110/110 cum laude.
Erasmus scholarship at Université d'Artois (France).
6th to 7th of February 2025
Sequences in London,
London (England, UK).
2nd to 6th of September 2024
19èmes Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique,
Nice (France).
30th of June to 5th of July 2024
Conference on Theoretical and Computational Algebra,
Aveiro (Portugal).
14th to 20th of May 2024
Konference TIGR CoW24 (Combinatorics on Words 2024),
Janov nad Nisou (Czechia).
2nd to 7th of July 2023
Conference on Theoretical and Computational Algebra,
Pocinho (Portugal).
26th to 28th of June 2023
RCI Offsite,
Senohraby (Czechia).
12th to 16 of June 2023
DLT & WORDS 2023,
Umeå (Sweden).
17th of March 2023
Mathematics of Cellular Automata,
Prague (Czechia).
13th to 14th of January 2023
RCI Offsite,
Plzeň (Czechia).
5th to 9th of September 2022
18èmes Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique,
Prague (Czechia).
15th to 17th of June 2022
Dyadisc 5: S-adicity,
Liège (Belgium).
13th to 15th of June 2022
SDA2-2022 : Journées Annuelles Systèmes Dynamiques, Automates et Algorithmes,
Liège (Belgium).
23th to 25th of May 2022
RCI Offsite,
Říčany (Czechia).
18th to 23th of May 2022
Konference TIGR CoW22 (Combinatorics on Words 2022),
Janov nad Nisou (Czechia).
4th to 7th of November 2021
Pracovním víkendu v Děčíně,
Děčín (Czechia).
20th to 24th of September 2021
LATA 2021,
Milan (Italy).
13th to 17th of September 2021
WORDS 2021,
12th to 16th of July 2021
ENSPM2021 (Encontron Nacional Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática 2021),
23rd to 27th of June 2021
Konference CoW21 (Combinatorics on Words 2021),
Telč (Czechia).
11th to 15th of January 2021
Invariants combinatoire et algébriques des décalages et des pavages / Algebraic and Combinatorial Invariants of Subshifts and Tilings,
Marseille (France).
18th to 22nd of September 2020
ITAT (Informačné Technológie - Aplikácie a Teória),
Oravskalesna (Slovakia).
10th to 14th of September 2020
Konference CoW20 (Combinatorics on Words 2020),
Janov nad Nisou (Czechia).
7th to 10th of November 2019
Pracovním víkendu v Děčíně,
Děčín (Czechia).
11th to 12th of July 2019
Giornate di Informatica Teorica in memoria di Aldo de Luca,
Rome (Italy).
1st to 5th of July 2019
CSR-2019: The 14th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia,
Novosibirsk (Russia).
19th to 21st of June 2019
SDA2-2019 : Journées Annuelles Systèmes Dynamiques, Automates et Algorithmes,
Orsay (France).
21st to 23rd of November 2018
CODYS >> Kickoff - Réunion de lancement du projet ANR,
Paris (France).
11th to 12th of October 2018
40 Years of Graphs and Algorithms,
Paris (France).
19th to 21st of March 2018
Discrete Models of Complex Systems,
Orléans (France).
24th of April to 5th of May 2017
Bridges between Automatic Sequences, Algebra and Number Theory',
Montréal (Québec, Canada).
3rd to 7th of April 2017
Combinatoric on Words and Tilings Workshop,
Montréal (Québec, Canada).
19th to 20th of January 2017
Secondo Incontro di Combinatoria delle Parole,
Palermo (Italy).
5th to 9th of September 2016
16th Mons Theoretical Computer Science Days,
Liège (Belgium).
4th to 6th of July 2016
SDA2-2016 : Journées Annuelles Systèmes Dynamiques, Automates et Algorithmes,
Lyon (France).
23rd to 27th of May 2016
Numeration 2016,
Prague (Czechia).
9th to 11th of May 2016
EQINOCS workshop,
Paris (France).
21st to 25th of March 2016
Colloque en l'honneur de Marcel-Paul Schützenberger,
Bordeaux (France).
14th to 18th of March 2016
Combinatoire des mots,
Marseille (France).
4th to 5th of February 2016
LSD&LAW 2016 - London Stringology Days / London Algorithmic Workshop 2016,
London (England, UK).
18th to 20th of January 2016
GDR-IM 2016 - Journées nationales 2016 GDR Informatique-Mathématique,
Villetaneuse (France).
14th to 16th of January 2016
FLA 2016,
Naples (Italy).
7th of October 2015
EQINOCS meeting,
Grenoble (France).
14th to 17th of September 2015
WORDS 2015,
Kiel (Germany).
27th to 30th of July 2015
DLT 2015 - 29th International Conference in Languange Theory,
Liverpool (England, UK).
1st to 5th of June 2015
Growth, Symbolic Dynamics and Combinatorics of Words in Groups,
Paris (France).
25th to 29th of May 2015
Workshop on Automatic Sequences,
Liège (Belgium).
8th to 10th April 2015
SDA2-2015 : Journées Annuelles Systèmes Dynamiques, Automates et Algorithmes,
Marne-la-Vallée (France).
2nd of February 2015
EQINOCS meeting,
Créteil (France).
15th to 19th of December 2014
Workshop on Symbolic Dynamics on finitely presented Groups,
Santiago de Chile (Chile).
23rd to 26th of September 2014
15th Mons Theoretical Computer Science Days,
Nancy (France).
12th of June 2014
Journée du Labex Bézout Data Science and Massive Data Analysis,
Marne-la-Vallée (France).
9th to 14th of February 2014
2014 Information Theory and Applications Workshop,
San Diego (California, USA).
27th to 31st of January 2014
Representing Streams II,
Leiden (Netherlands).
10th of January 2014
EQINOCS meeting,
Marne-la-Vallée (France).
18th to 20th of December 2013
Fractals and Numeration » Approximation and numeration 13,
Paris (France).
1st to 5th of July 2013
Words, Codes and Algebraic Combinatorics - A conference in honor of Christophe Reutenauer's 60th birthday,
Cetraro (Italy).
18th to 21st of June 2013
DLT 2013 - 17th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory,
Marne-la-Vallée (France).
3rd to 7th of June 2013
Automata Theory and Symbolic Dynamics Workshop,
Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada).
9th to 10th of September 2010
Problemi e applicazioni in algebra, geometria e analisi,
Genoa (Italy).
4th to 8th of March 2019
École jeunes chercheurs en informatique mathématique,
Marseille (France).
27th of March to 7th of April 2017
School and Workshop "Combinatorics on Words and Tilings" organized by CRM,
Montréal (Québec, Canada).
2nd to 13th of November 2015
CIMPA Research School CantorSalta2015, Dynamics on Cantor Sets,
Salta (Argentina.).
24th of August to 4th of September 2015
CIMPA-IRAN Research School Tiling and Tessellations,
Isfahan (Iran).
20th to 24th of January 2014
Winter School Representing Streams II organized by the Lorentz Center,
Leiden (Netherlands).
31st of July o 5th of September 2011
Summer school Corso Estivo di Matematica / Summer Course in Mathematics: Perugia 2011 organized by SMI (Inter-University Mathematics School),
Perugia (Italy).